Thursday, January 21, 2010

Xeloda helping? And diversions....

Well, the Xeloda seems to be helping. I've noticed improvement in my left hand as far as having sensation and less of the waking in the middle of the night with shooting pains. So, I'm optimistic that it's helping. The back pain has not improved much at all but I'm just starting round two of this chemo so it's early yet.

I lost my mind and got a puppy. His name is Opus. Yes, largely named after the wonderful and expensive wine Opus One. He's Opus Two;) He's lovely and follows me around EVERYWHERE. It's fairly insane to have adopted him only 4 days after putting our old dog, Daphne, to sleep. My friends generally think I'm crazy but a few understand. I just needed to think about something other than cancer, feeling sick, and (gasp) death. Not that I'm anywhere near that but stage IV cancer brings the grim reaper to your mind more than most would like. Opus is a wonderful diversion from all of that horrible mess and is absolutely adorable. Opus Two looks like the puppy in the Cottonelle commercials. Love him! So, I'm now exhausted, sleep deprived and busier than ever. But I'm also loved unconditionally by this fairly portable and super cuddly walking companion. Heaven!

The urgency to adopting him was that the Robeson County Animal Shelter is a high-kill shelter. They have TONS of puppies needing to be adopted and apparently they euthanize them shortly after receipt. VERY sad place, even for the desensitized. So, if anyone needs a new pet, check it out but bring your tissues. It's in St. Pauls about 80 miles from Wilmington.

Blessings and love and puppy kisses to all!


  1. Opus 1 is MY FAVORITE.....I have a story to tell that will follow me forever.....brought this to a Thanksgiving dinner and shared with a nephew....this was WAY before I knew how good of a red wine it was....and how much....the whole family still makes fun of are in my thoughts.....much love

  2. See, now if you had named your dog something like Heineken, I would have a story like Tamara does, but I don't drink wine....Much love to you.
