Saturday, August 8, 2009

First Zometa treatment

Did I mention that it's a long drive from Wilmington, NC to Boston? Well it is. On the way up, we had a leisurely (sort of) drive into NYC complete with Fifth Avenue shopping, a trip to the American Girl Doll Cafe, and tea at the Plaza hotel. All very nice. Then, off to Boston for my first Zometa (bone strengthener) treatment. Not so bad, we were told.

As usual, the folks at Dana Farber were very efficient. My bloodwork came back fine and my kidneys functioning well enough for the treatment, which apparently can cause kidney problems. As a result of my horrible hot flashes and night sweats, I can now add Neurontin to my drug repertoire, which is an anti-seizure medicine??? that is supposed to be good at treating hot flashes, especially at night. Bring it on, I say, if it will help me get some sleep.

So, geniuses that we are and so anxious to get home, we initially planned to drive through the night on Friday, the day after my Zometa treatment. Not such a good idea we realized as the week wore on and I realized that, even pre-treatment, I was probably too wonky and foggy to drive on the roads of I-95. So, we decided to leave early Friday morning the day after my treatment and try to avoid Boston traffic. All went well, at first. We left at 6:30 a.m. and made good time. Then, all of a sudden, we hit the Jersey Turnpike south of NYC. I started to feel the nausea come on and grabbed the proverbial "puke bag." After much sweating and rapid breathing as well as freezing chills and whole body bone pain, I managed to avoid actual puking. For hours, I wore a winter hat (toboggan, some would say), a jacket, pants, shirt, and sweatshirt on an August 85 degree afternoon. Interesting to the onlookers, no doubt.

Anyway, we made it to Fredericksburg, VA in one piece and to our hotel for the night. It was a rough night with a lot of flu-like symptoms, total body pain, and a fever, but I seem to be a little better today. ANYWAY, next time I get treatment, on October 15, my plan is to hit the airport immediately after my treatment because, like with chemo, it seems to take a day or two for the medicine to really take you down.

The doctor recommended that I start Femara as well, which is an aromitase inhibitor given to post-menopausal women. I, of course, fall into that category because Dr. G. took out my ovaries last month. At my June appointment, Dr. Winer was not planning to recommend any other new hormonal treatments. However, the folks in Boston were not happy that I've had increased bone pain and fatigue (nor am I!) since my ovaries were removed (theoretically, that is a form of hormonal treatment). But my tumor markers were within a normal range on this visit which may mean nothing but is certainly not bad news. I know, it's difficult to decipher all this crap.

I am seeing an acupuncture specialist this week for treatment of pain and fatigue, as well as for the hot flashes. Oh yeah, the Femara is supposed to increase joint pain and hot flashes!!! But it may also keep the cancer beast at bay, which is what this is all about.

In the meantime, we are all so excited and grateful to be home and ready for our own beds. I'll hopefully bounce back to some semblance of normal in the next few days as well. God bless you all and thank you for keeping me and our family in your thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Sofie,

    I'm so inspired by your attitude. Am thinking of you often. By the way, I can't believe I just learned that you are such good friends with my friend and next door neighbor Wendy. Small world.

    The post before this one made me recall a wonderful podcast series you might enjoy. It's called "Speaking of Faith" and is on itunes for free. Check it out.

    Kevin Smith
